
HOPE makes all the difference when facing life’s difficulties. That’s why we are committed to giving you a safe, honest, and confidential place to talk. Our goal is to provide you with a fresh perspective that helps you meet life’s challenges.

Angry? Scared? Worried? Confused? Ashamed? We work with people who have lost HOPE and people in unusually difficult circumstances. We are comfortable helping people recover from affairs, divorce, dark secrets, domestic violence and abuse, and betrayal, or simply hard-to-manage emotions. Because change involves risk, we respect that some changes are not easy.  We believe that by exploring and sometimes adjusting the underlying beliefs, values, and emotions that drive your reactions and behaviors, you’ll be able to achieve your best changes. You can find hope. You can LIVE again.

Steve Stewart works with clients who need privacy and results. Some people have high profiles and large responsibilities (first-responders, business and community leaders). Others don’t. They feel abandoned, rejected, invisible, or powerless. I am most successful with people who are eager for improvement because they’ve been mistreated, they’ve lost hope, or they’re tired of being afraid.

Steve has over 30 years of experience counseling with various organizations in Washington and Oregon: clinics, non-profit agencies, and churches. He now practices exclusively in Washington as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) and Mental Health Counselor (LMHC). He began Stewart Counseling Services in 2011 to invest in the lives of distressed individuals, couples, and families.

At Stewart Counseling Services–located in Puyallup, Washington–we help adults, both individuals and couples:

Individual Counseling
Anger and Emotional Management
Abuse Recovery
Trauma Counseling
Depression, Discouragement, Despair
Anxiety and Fear
Grief, Loss, & Bereavement
Shame, Guilt, Regret, Embarrassment
Existential & Spiritual Concerns
Identity Formation
Values and Life-Goals

Intimate Relationship Counseling
Affairs and Infidelity …  (Decisions about discovery, recovery, exits, restoration)
Conflict Resolution …  (Help with business, home, family, or social problems)
Communication Skills … (Being appreciated, valued, and really  understood)
Sexual Frustrations …  (Ugh, if only  ….)
Marriage Counseling … (Because life is too short for failing at intimacy)
Premarital Counseling … (Is this is a good idea? Can it work?)
Advanced Skills for Healthy Couples … (We’re okay, but could be much better)
Divorce Counseling … (How can we prevent it?)
Divorce Recovery … (How can we collaborate? How can I and my family recover?)
Multi-generational patterns and trauma … (How can we change this terrible cycle?)

Rediscover life . . . You can have hope again

Make an appointment:
Appointments for new clients are occasionally available. You are welcome to email us to see if we have current openings. In your inquire, please briefly state which insurance (if any) you’re using and what type of help you are hoping to receive (a couple sentences are fine). You can schedule an appointment by contacting Steve Stewart by email (best) or by phone:

Steve Stewart, LMFT (Washington), LMHC (Washington)

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